15 minute consultation | melodyannebell
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15 minute consultation

Online, phone or in-person consultation

  • 15 min
  • Lincoln Street

Service Description

As everybody's voice is different, so are our desires and goals. In a consultation, we go over your unique needs and desires. I assess the health of the vocal folds, & tract and state of your overall voice. We also factor in how you are singing, speaking and using genre, style to get an overall baseline of your current methods and techniques. It's similar to checking out the engine of a car as well as how the person drives it. Then, depending on your goals & desires, I take the voice through a series of exercises similar to the gym, but with customized exercises, specific for your unique voice, needs and desires. Some students prefer to work on their songs and songwriting and slowly bring voice work in at their comfort level. At the end of each session, including the consultation, you'll have results in one area that you were wanting and also the tools and techniques to get you there again on your own. Each session is recorded and emailed to you afterward for reference and practice.

24 hours notice is requested whenever possible for cancelling & rescheduling

You are welcome to come in person or to join via Zoom. There is a waiting list for appointments. Please provide 24 hours if you need to cancel or reschedule, except in the case of illness and emergency, so that another student may have the opportunity.

Contact Details

  • Melody Bell Studio, Lincoln Street, Eugene, OR, USA

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